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Healthy Mindsets for Super Kids:

Healthy Mindsets for Super Kids:

$ 46.95

A Resilience Programme for Children Aged 7-14.
Join forces with superheroes Steemy, Link, Zen, KipKool, Holly and Hally, Beau and Angel in this 10 session programme to boost resilience in children aged 7—14. Each session focuses on a key theme, and a superhero character helps to teach each skill, from overcoming anxiety to dealing with grief. A creative hands-on activity closes each session, and session summaries and tips for parents encourage children to continue learning and building their skills between sessions. An engaging comic strip story about the superheroes runs throughout the program. Sessions are flexible and easily adaptable for use in different settings and with younger or older children, and include photocopiable worksheets.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Children and Adolescents
Author: Azri, Stephanie; Azri, Sid; Cartmel, Jennifer
Publication Date: 01-02-2013
ISBN: 9781849053150
Pages: 176

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