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You and Me Social Skills Game (Ages 4-12)

You and Me Social Skills Game (Ages 4-12)

$ 86.95

This cooperative board game that teaches day-to-day social skills and social awareness. Designed to help children become socially aware of the world they live in, as they build the social skills they need in everyday life: helping, sharing, being polite, cooperating, understanding different points of views, listening, following rules, acting assertively, and being a friend. Players work as a team, there are no individual winners. Contents:48 ACT cards, 48 TALK cards, 48 DRAW cards, 2 Dice Sand Timer, 100 Chips, 6 Pawns, Instructions.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
ISBN: 0000350185

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