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Anxiety + Depression

Anxiety + Depression

$ 32.95

Effective Treatment of the Big Two Co-Occurring Disorders In her customary practical style and conversational tone, Margaret Wehrenberg unravels the complexity of this common comorbidity, teaching therapists exactly how to tackle it. Beginning with “Where to Start?”, she walks readers through a variety of common tricks for distinguishing between anxiety and depression, and provides an assessment plan for determining which set of symptoms the client is most ready to work on.The book goes on to highlight seven common types of comorbid clients, who can be arrayed on a spectrum, from the “low energy” (depressed) on one end to the “high anxiety” (anxious) on the other, and everything in between.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Author: Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg
Publication Date: 01-05-2014
ISBN: 9780393708738
Pages: 208

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