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Berenstain Bears Good Behavior Card Game

Berenstain Bears Good Behavior Card Game

$ 38.95

Ages: 5-8. Good behavior is a habit that all children need to learn, and this card game can be a great start! Played like the classic game of Go Fish, this card game reinforces 13 positive behaviors: sharing, listening to others, working hard, following the rules, being responsible, being honest, using good manners, being kind, taking turns, talking about problems, respecting differences, cooperating, and being helpful. The object is to collect a set of four of the same Good Behavior cards. When a player puts down a set, players talk about why this particular behavior is important. Additional ways to use the cards are included. 2-4 players.
Contents: Instructions, 52 Good Behavior Cards.

Category: Behavior Intervention
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Assessment
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
ISBN: 9780000060313

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