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Mindful Way Workbook

Mindful Way Workbook

$ 35.95

An 8 Week Program to Free Yourself From Depression and Emotional Distress This is an 8-week program that can help you overcome depression, anxiety, and stress, by learning new ways to respond to your own thoughts and feelings, using a mindfulness based congitive therapy called MBCT, tested and proven effective in clinical trials throughout the world. The expert authors introduce specific mindfulness practices to try each week, plus reflection questions, tools for keeping track of progress, and helpful comments from others going through the program. Guided meditations are provided on the accompanying MP3 CD and are also available as audio downloads.

Category: Depression
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Teasdale, John
Publication Date: 02-01-2014
ISBN: 9781462508143
Pages: 228

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