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Pathways to Competence (2nd Edition)

Pathways to Competence (2nd Edition)

$ 92.95

Encouraging Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Young Children This essential text is a comprehensive, one-stop guide to addressing every facet of social-emotional development, working skillfully with children and families, and improving parents' interactions with their children. Get the most up-to-date research findings on each social and emotional area; learn what social-emotional milestones a child should reach at each age level; address parents' most common questions about hot topics such as challenging behavior, language development, discipline, play, and feeding and sleeping problems; get a wide range of simple, concrete strategies and principles to use with children in their care and share with caregivers to promote their children's development in each key area; guide caregivers with updated exercises and activities that sharpen their parenting skills; select and use appropriate assessments.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: (SEL) Social & Emotional Learning K-7
Series: Executive Function
Author: Landy, Sarah
Publication Date: 01-02-2009
ISBN: 9781557668912
Pages: 672

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