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Yoga Pretzels (Kids & Adults)

Yoga Pretzels (Kids & Adults)

$ 24.95

50 Fun Yoga Activities for Kids and Grownups 50 fun yoga activities for kids & grownups! Practice bending, twisting, breathing, relaxing and more with Yoga Pretzels, a vibrant and colorful set of illustrated cards that provide a healthy dose of fun and education while teaching all the basics of yoga to help your head and heart. Have fun and feel fantastic with this new addition to Barefoot's yoga collection!

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Meditation/Stress Reduction
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: Tara Guber& Leah Kalish
Publication Date: 01-11-2005
ISBN: 9781905236046
Pages: 50

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