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Brain Game

Brain Game

$ 92.95

Vocabulary and Word Finding Game An innovative and fun game that can be used with children of all ages and abilities to structure their learning of vocabulary, by introducing categories in a fun way. The game consists of a game board and 3 sets of challenge cards. Each set of cards focuses on a different skill that we all need in order to be able to store and retrieve words correctly. The board game is based on 12 different categories that help form a basis to build vocabulary. The games can be used for various reasons: working with anybody with a word finding difficulty (aged 6 - adult), used for therapy, or used for assessment to pinpoint an exact area of breakdown where skills are reduced and to guide therapy.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Series: Brain Science
Publication Date: 01-03-2012
ISBN: 9780863888137

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