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Teen Safety Workbook<br> (Spiral Bound)

Teen Safety Workbook
(Spiral Bound)

$ 72.95

The Teen Safety Workbook is designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings that go into the decisions they make, and learn effective tools and techniques to stay safe in the future. This book combines two powerful psychological tools for the management of unsafe, potentially dangerous thoughts, feelings, and behaviors: self-assessment and journaling. This is one of a series of 14 books covering mental health and lifestyle issues familiar to all professionals working with teens, all available at ODIN BOOKS

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Leutenberg, Esther ; Liptak, John ; Brodsky, Amy
ISBN: 9781570252648


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