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Organizing the Disorganized Child: Simple Strategies to Succeed in School

Organizing the Disorganized Child: Simple Strategies to Succeed in School

$ 18.50

Renowned ADHD expert Dr. Martin Kutscher and coach Marcella Moran explain the roots of our children′s organizational problems, and the parents′ role in fixing them. They outline different organizational styles used by different students. (Not all kids organize the same way!) Kutscher and Moran outline exactly what school materials to buy, and how to set up the study area. They provide a step-by-step plan for an organizational system

Category: ADHD/ADD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Parenting Children
Author: Kutscher, Martin L
Publication Date: 01-08-2009
ISBN: 978-0061797415
Pages: 176

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