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Should I or Shouldn't I?©  <br>Teen Edition

Should I or Shouldn't I?©
Teen Edition

$ 49.95

What Would Others Think? This is a game that encourages players to think about their own behavior choices and then compare how their perceptions match (or don't) those of the other players. It revolves around the idea of perspective taking - being able to think about others, their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how this interrelationship plays out in social situations. The game is based on the Social Thinking® concepts and vocabulary introduced by Michelle Garcia Winner and outlined in her many books and articles on the topic. An elementary version also is available at ODIN BOOKS.

Category: Social Thinking™
Subcategory: Pre-teen/Teen
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
Author: Dominique Baudry
ISBN: 9780970132079

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