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Understanding Your Suicide Grief

Understanding Your Suicide Grief

$ 20.95

Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart For anyone who has experienced the suicide of a loved one, coworkers, neighbor, or acquaintance and is seeking information about coping with such a profound loss, this compassionate guide explores the unique responses inherent to their grief. Using the metaphor of the wilderness, the book introduces 10 touchstones to assist the survivor in this naturally complicated and particularly painful journey. The touchstones include opening to the presence of loss, embracing the uniqueness of grief, understanding the six needs of mourning, reaching out for help, and seeking reconciliation over resolution. Learning to identify and rely on each of these touchstones will bring about hope and healing.

Category: Grief/Loss
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Depression
Author: Dr. Alan Wolfelt
ISBN: 9781879651586
Pages: 220

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