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Asperger's on the Job

Asperger's on the Job

$ 29.95

Must-have Advice for People with Asperger's or High Functioning Autism, and their Employers, Educators, and Advocates.
Rudy Simone, an adult with Asperger's Syndrome and an accomplished author, consultant, and musician, created this insightful resource to help employers, educators, and therapists accommodate this growing population, and to help people with Asperger's find and keep gainful employment. Detailed lists of "what the employee can do" and "to employers and advocates" provide balanced guidelines for success, while Rudy's "Interview Tips" and "Personal Job Map" tools will help Aspergians, young or old, find their employment niche. There is more to a job than what the tasks are. From social blunders, to sensory issues, to bullying by coworkers, Simone presents solutions to difficult challenges. Readers will be enriched, enlightened, and ready to work-together!

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Publication Date: 01-06-2010
ISBN: 9781935274094
Pages: 200

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